Julian stick around to watch Fala's scene

Saturday 11 August 2012

TVB grand production "Triumph in the Skies 2" has begun shooting. Yesterday pilot Julian Cheung, who was driving a white Jaguar convertible, and Fala Chen, who had a punk girl look, were filming near the airport. In the series, the two will develope a sky love destiny. Fala's character will become a pilot, the scene in which their filming is when Fala determined to become a pilot.

In the hot weather, Julian dressed in a neat uniform of a pilot filming a phone talking scene, wearing dark sunglasses bursting his coolness. On the other hand, Fala Chen reverse her soft make-up and switch it up to black eyeliner and changed from her elegant dresses to a punk outfit. The scene which Fala holding a camera and waving her hands in the air shouting "The sky, I'm coming."

While Fala filming her sky shouting scene, Julian stick around to watch her scene. It was said that Julian is fresher than Francis, Julian awkwardly smile and quickly said: "That's insane! Who said? Fala who stand a side can't help but laugh. Earlier yesterday, Fala and her music company boss accept a radio interview. Her boss Herman informed that after Fala completed "Triumph", he schedule to hold a mini concert for Fala. He also expressed fighting her a series theme. Arranging a duet possibly with Julian.

Thoughts: if you've notice I star doing this "on set" thing rather than doing one post for all photos.

Her style and probable attitude reminded me of Ron's Isaac role in the first Triumph, careless person who later inspired to become a pilot. I'm happy if Fala and Julian gets the theme but I hope Eason Chan will, the duet can fit for the sub-theme.

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